Monday, 7 April 2014

Modelling and Simulation Software

Modelling and Simulation Software 

Week 5    ICT - 11/03/14

In ICT this week we looked at Modelling and Simulation software and how it can be used in the classroom. Modelling software is a computer program that builds simulations or other models. It can be used to test a trial situation before committing to the real thing.

Simulation games, or adventure games, can also be used to explore different solutions within a test environment. This can include the virtual reality type scenarios that are becoming more and more available. This type of software is very useful as children can explore and make predictions and begin to identify patterns and relationships. Many people have to use this type of software in their training in order to test out a scenario before entering the real life situation. For instance, astronomers, pilots, engineers, town planners, air traffic controllers and many others. If these people where not able to train with or regularly use these programmes in their day to day jobs then they would have to relay on getting everything correct the first time around.

Purple mash is an online resource that targets primary aged children and is designed to engage the pupil with a range of resources such as educational games and creative projects. The website also accommodates for teachers as it hosts a number of tools that are compatible with the interactive whiteboard  as well as allowing for independent use and group work.     

As you can see there are a range of different games and activities that the children can play under many different sections. Teachers can use Purple Mash to help children improve their mathematics, literacy, phonics, science skills and more by allowing them to play spesfic games. For instance if the class are not yet fluent with their number bonds to 10 or 20 or 100 then their are games that accommodate for this.

Purple Mash is just one of the modelling and simulation sites available but I found it to be one of the most useful. Other sites include:

  • My Modelling Toolkit
  • Tizzy's Tools
If you should wish to view Purple Mash follow the link below. 

Purple Mash:                

If you wish to read more on modelling and simulating follow the links below:


1 comment:

  1. Great use of colourful images to capture the readers attention!
    Really useful links and information provided.
